Dra Andrea Sofía Cepeda Pérez is the Responsible for the purposes of the Federal Law on the protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Data Law”), with address at Avenida 10, Manzana 35 Lote 1, Local 13, Playacar Phase I , Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo in accordance with the provisions of Article 17, section II of the Data Law.
informs that the personal data in possession of the Responsible will be used for:
Rendering of the medical service you require.
Submit your data, where appropriate, to other treating doctors, hospitals and clinical services.
Transfer your data, where appropriate, to the insurer or health care agreement company with whom you have contracted an insurance policy for medical expenses; or you are entitled.
Creation, study, analysis, updating and preservation of the clinical record.
Studies, records, statistics and analysis of health information.
Billing and collection for services.
Determine if requires to be treated as a vulnerable and high-risk patient.
Give a correct treatment.
Retain records for a correct provision of services in the future.
Take surveys satisfaction of services, and promotion and marketing of products and services offered by Responsible .
Contact him for make appointments and / or inform you of changes in the date, time and location of medical appointments.
So both and to achieve the aforementioned purposes, the following personal data will be collected: full name, date of birth, gender, home and / or work address, home, office and mobile phone numbers, occupation, email, data of your health insurance , RFC, CURP, tax billing data, contact information in case of emergency, data of your legal representative, person who refers you, and, where appropriate, full name, date of birth, cell number and occupation of the mother and the patient’s father and name and date of birth of the patient’s siblings.
Finally In order to provide medical care and in accordance with the applicable health legislation, the following sensitive personal data will be requested: hereditary family history, pathological personal history, non-pathological personal history, current health status, past and present procedures, past and present medications , allergy information, and relevant health history.
Relating to the personal and sensitive data collected on < span style = “font-size: medium;”> Responsible undertakes that only the data absolutely essential for the aforementioned purposes will be collected and that they will be processed under the appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality of the same.
In case If there is any change in this privacy notice, we will communicate it by sending an email to the account you have granted us. We will not be responsible if you do not receive the notice of change in the privacy notice due to a problem with your email account.
For the servicing the Responsible you can transfer personal data in your possession within and outside the country to outsourced third parties for purposes related to those indicated in this privacy notice. Among the third parties to which said data is transferred include without limitation: laboratories, clinics, hospitals, research centers, insurers, providers of computer programs used by the Responsible , etc ., or those that the Responsible consider it necessary or convenient to communicate personal data.
To limit the use of your personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the Data Law < span style = “font-family: Arial, serif;”> , you can request through the email, the exercise of your ARCO Rights, which consist of access to your personal data, its rectification, cancellation or opposition to its treatment for specific purposes; being the Responsible in charge of following up on your request and giving you a response within the next 30 (twenty) business days. Likewise, you may revoke your consent to this Privacy Notice.
For the Exercise of your ARCO Rights and / or the revocation of your consent for the processing of your personal data by the Responsible you must submit a request to Responsible < / span> To the email mentioned above accompanied by the following information:
Full name .
Date of birth.
Full address .
Current identification with which you certify your personality (IFE, Passport, Professional ID or Migratory Document).
In case If the owner is not the one who submits the application, the document that proves the existence of the representation, that is, a public instrument signed before two witnesses, together with the identification of the owner and the representative (IFE, Passport, Professional Certificate or Migratory Document) .
For the In the case of minors, their legal representation must be accredited with: birth certificate and credential with photograph of the minor, IMSS credential, valid passport or any other form of identification that has a photograph, in addition to attending to present the documents for their respective collation, the signature of the document that will be attached to the application must be shown as “Accreditation of legal representation” in which under protest of telling the truth, it is stated that it is responsible for the minor.
A description Clear and precise personal data regarding which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights, what is the right to exercise and the reasons why you wish to exercise it.
The Responsible reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Notice as it deems appropriate, for example, to comply with changes in the legislation on data protection or health. The Responsible will inform you and make the updated Privacy Notice available to you when significant changes are made, as well as when your consent is required.
I declare under protest of truth that I have read this Privacy Notice in its entirety and fully understand its scope and content. I hereby grant my consent for my personal data, including sensitive data, to be processed in accordance with this Privacy Notice.